કીર્તન મુક્તાવલી
(1) Jenu kāme kāpī līdhu nāk lobhe laī lāj līdhī re
Jenu kāme kāpī līdhu nāk, lobhe laī lāj līdhī re;
Jenī jībhe roḷī karyo rānk, māne to fajetī kīdhī re... 1
(1) Those who have had their noses cut off (disgraced) due to lust, those whose greed has stained their reputation, those who have become poor due to their desire for tasty food,† and those who have been humiliated because of their ego…
Evā jannu jāṇo jarūr, nathī mukh joyā jevu re;
Doshe bharyu jāṇī tajo dūr, aghe avrāṇu evu re... 2
(2) Know for certain that these people are not worth looking at. Stay away from them, for they are filled with faults and are enveloped in sin.
Tene pāse vastā vās, lānchhan to lāge ja lāge re;
Tajo tene āṇī tantrās, jethī kubuddhi jāge re... 3
(3) By staying close to such people, one will undoubtedly become blemished. Give up those who cause pain and distress - those that turn one’s intellect to wickedness.
Evā pāpīnu sparshtā ang, puṇya jāy potātaṇu re;
Kahe Nishkuḷānand e kusang, te sange jyān ghaṇu re... 4
(4) Even the touch of such a sinner robs a person of spiritual merits. Nishkulanand Swami says, “Great loss is caused by keeping such company.”
†This can also be interpreted as: Those who have become slaves to their desires for tastes.