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કીર્તન મુક્તાવલી


(1) Ṭek na mele re te marad kharā jagmāhī

Sadguru Brahmanand Swami

Ṭek na mele re, te marad kharā jagmāhī;

 Trividh tāpe re, kedī antar ḍole nāhī... 1

(1) A brave devotee is one who never gives up his resolve (of observing niyams and following āgnā). Despite encountering the three types of misery, his heart never sways.

Nidhḍak varte re, draḍh dhīraj manmā dhārī;

 Kāḷ-karmanī re, shankā te deve visārī... 2

(2) He lives fearlessly with firm forbearance in his mind. He does not worry about the powers of kāl and karma determining his fate (as he believes God alone determines his fate).

Moḍu vahelu re, nische karī ek din marvu;

 Jag sukh sāru re, kedī kāyar man nav karvu... 3

(3) He believes sooner or later one will have to die. Therefore, he does not let his mind become cowardly and yearn for worldly pleasures.

Antar pāḍī re, samjīne savḷī ānṭī;

 Māthu jātā re, mele nahi te nar māṭī... 4

(4) He has tied a correct knot (a correct resolve) in his heart with understanding. A brave man is one who would not let go of his resolve, even if he were to lose his head.

Koīnī shankā re, kedī manmā te nav dhāre;

 Brahmānandnā re, vahālāne paḷ na visāre... 5

(5) He does not let others’ doubts enter his mind. Brahmanand Swami says he does not forget God even for a second.

The three miseries: (1) Adhyātma – miseries of the mind; (2) Adhibhut – physical illnesses, miseries; (3) Adhidaiv – floods, famines, earthquakes, plagues and other natural disasters.

‡‘māṭī’ means brave (‘માટી’નો અર્થ શૂરવીર થાય.)








બ્રહ્મસ્વરૂપ પ્રમુખસ્વામી મહારાજ

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ભગવાન સ્વામિનારાયણ: ભાગ ૩

ભગવાન સ્વામિનારાયણ: ભાગ ૪

ભગવાન સ્વામિનારાયણ: ભાગ ૫

ભગવાન સ્વામિનારાયણ: ભાગ ૬

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