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કીર્તન મુક્તાવલી


(1) Anubhavī ānandmā Govind gāve re

Sadguru Muktanand Swami

In this series of four kirtans by Muktanand Swami, he speak of an anubhavi. Anubhavi is a gnāni bhakta of the four types of devotees mentioned by Krishna Bhagwan in the Gita. Bhagwan Swaminarayan has explained in Vachanamrut Gadhada I-56 that a gnāni believes himself to be brahmarup and worships Purushottam. Muktanand Swami speak of such a devotee in these kirtans.

Anubhavī ānandmā Govind gāve re,

 Prīt karī Parabrahmashu bhavmā na āve re... anu 1

(1) An anubhavi remains in a blissful state singing the glory of God. He has affection for God and will not have to undergo the cycle of births and deaths (bhav).

Marjīvāne mārge jan koīk jāve re,

 Pe’lu parṭhe mot te muktāfaḷ pāve re... anu 2

(2) Very few choose the path (occupation) of deep sea diving. Only one who has understood the risk and is willing to face death attains the precious pearls. [Swami is using the metaphor of a deep sea diver who risks death to dive for pearls. Similarly, one has to face many difficulties if one wants to attain God.]

Vege vahetā vārimā pratibimb na bhāse re,

 Tem dagmage dil jyā lagī nav Brahma prakāshe re... anu 3

(3) One cannot see their reflection in a stream that is flowing rapidly. Similarly, one cannot experience God in their heart if their heart is unstable, i.e. has doubts in God or entertains desires of this world.

Brahma thaī Parabrahmane jue te jāṇe re,

 Evā jīvanmukta jannā guṇ Veda vakhāṇe re... anu 4

(4) One who becomes brahamrup can see Parabrahma. The virtues of such jivanmukta devotees are praised by the Vedas.

Kāyā māyā kuḍ chhe jem dhum chhāyā re,

 Muktānand kahe gurumukhīmā pad samāyā re... anu 5

(5) The attachment to the body and māyā is temporary, just as a shadow cast by smoke (i.e., it does not provide permanent shade). Muktanand Swami says one who is aligned with the guru has attained an elevated state.








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ભગવાન સ્વામિનારાયણ: ભાગ ૨

ભગવાન સ્વામિનારાયણ: ભાગ ૩

ભગવાન સ્વામિનારાયણ: ભાગ ૪

ભગવાન સ્વામિનારાયણ: ભાગ ૫

ભગવાન સ્વામિનારાયણ: ભાગ ૬

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