Vachanamrut Essence

Gadhadā II-33

  1. Shriji Mahārāj speaks about His own nature for the sake of revealing the ideals of a devotee:
  1. If it appears to Me that I have a liking for something, I would only be happy after I have discarded it.
  2. In no way do I ever experience an aversion towards a devotee of God.
  3. Even though I am insistently offered the panchvishays, I do not have any desire for them and push them away
  4. Only the contemplation of God remains within My heart.
  5. One who firmly observes the vow of non-lust:
  1. My affection for such a person never diminishes.
  2. I would be close to him even if I were a thousand miles away from him.
  3. I like to be served by such a person.
  4. Such a person will be close to Me, both in this realm and beyond.
  1. If one transgresses the vow of non-lust, then:
  1. I become extremely displeased with the person.
  2. I am a thousand miles away from him, even if I am physically close to him.
  3. I am extremely pained.
  1. Means to firmly observing the vow of non-lust:
  1. Controlling the mind by engaging in the nine types of bhakti and by contemplating on one’s ātmā.
  2. Keeping the prāns under control by keeping one’s diet under control.
  3. Remaining within the niyams of Satsang.
  1. One who discards lust, anger, greed, and other internal enemies to please God is a staunch sādhu.
  2. What is impossible to achieve with this human body?
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