Vachanamrut Essence

Gadhadā II-36

  1. One whose vrutti continuously remains on God is fulfilled and has nothing else remaining to do.
  2. Methods to continuously maintain one’s vrutti on the form of God:
  1. Chitt has natural tendency to become engrossed in everything; therefore, employing the chitt to become engrossed in God.
  2. Become extremely brave.
  3. Fear birth, death, narak and the cycles of births and deaths.
  4. Vairāgya.
  5. Grace of God.
  6. Intense affection for God.
  1. Affection for anything other than God is māyā.
  2. A person who has severed affection for his body, its relations and those who provide for his body is said to have transcended God’s māyā.
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