Vachanamrut Essence

Gadhadā II-46

  1. A Satpurush living in this world is not pleased or pained upon seeing the worldly progress or regress of a person. However, when someone’s mind recedes from the path of God, he becomes grieved.
  2. God assumes avatārs upon earth for the purpose of establishing ekāntik dharma.
  3. If one develops an aversion toward God or His Sant, then:
  1. He falls from ekāntik dharma.
  2. That is a sin greater than the five grave sins.
  3. That is itself death for that devotee.
  4. He does not attain God’s abode.
  1. If one does not perceive flaws in God or His Sant, then all sins are destroyed and he dwells in the abode of God.
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