Vachanamrut Essence

Gadhadā II-1

  1. Infatuation: if God or the Sant should criticise a vishay towards which one’s chitt has been lured, one would become upset with them and even malign them.
  2. Characteristic of infatuation: loss of all sense of discrimination of what should be done and what should not be done.
  3. Cause of infatuation: weakness in enjoying panchvishays.
  4. Method to eradicate attachment to vishays:
  1. Consolidating the understanding that one’s true form is the ātmā.
  2. Thoroughly understanding the nature of how the cosmos is created, sustained and destroyed.
  3. Thoroughly understanding the greatness of God.
  1. A person who no longer makes distinctions between pleasant and unpleasant vishays:
  1. Is free of infatuation and has overcome his weakness in enjoying the vishays.
  2. Has understood God perfectly.
  3. Has an inclination like that of a woman who observes the vow of fidelity.
  4. Is a staunch devotee and should be known to possess gnān.
  5. Is extremely dear to God.
  6. Has attained God-realisation and has become fulfilled.
  1. To eradicate infatuation, one should:
  1. Keep courage and persevere gradually to uproot infatuation.
  2. Make the following goal: I will eradicate as much attachment to the vishays as is possible in this life.
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