Vachanamrut Essence

Gadhadā I-16

  1. One who can discern between sat (that which is imperishable, permanent) and asat (that which is perishable and not permanent) has the following characteristics:
  1. Recognizes his flaws and thoughtfully eradicates them.
  2. If he perceives flaws in a Sant or satsangis, he rejects them and only imbibes their virtues.
  3. He never sees flaws in God.
  4. He accepts whatever words of advice God and the Sant offer as the highest truth.
  5. He behaves as the ātmā - distinct from them all [mind, body, indriyas and prāns] - but never follows the instincts of his own mind.
  6. He identifies the objects and evil company that may cause bondage or raise deficiencies in his ekāntik dharma and shuns them; but he does not become bound by them.
  7. He imbibes positive thoughts and avoids negative thoughts.
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