Vachanamrut Essence

Gadhadā II-32

  1. Just as the branch of a cactus, banyan, or a pipal tree is cut and planted elsewhere, it will grow into a new plant; similarly, when affection for a family member is cut, it will grow again.
  2. Means to uproot affection for one’s family: discarding vanity of caste and āshram, believing one’s self to be brahmarup, and maintaining one’s vrutti on God.
  3. The jiva transcends māyā and becomes brahmarup through the knowledge of the manifest God, meditation, devotional songs, spiritual discourses, etc.
  4. Liberation is due to bhakti alone.
  5. Ātmā-realisation, vairāgya, and dharma are aides in offering unhindered bhakti to God.
  6. By staying under the influence of adverse places, times, action, company, etc., one’s heart becomes polluted and one’s swabhāvs do not remains stable.
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