Vachanamrut Essence

Gadhadā II-42

  1. Aksharbrahma:
  1. In its sagun aspect, it is much larger than even the largest of objects.
  2. In its nirgun aspect, it is extremely subtle and smaller than an anu [an atom-like unit].
  1. Parabrahma:
  1. Forever resides in His abode Akshardhām.
  2. His will always prevails [satya-sankalp].
  3. While remaining in Akshardhām, He manifests in whatever form is required in whichever brahmānd.
  4. Wherever Purushottam resides, that is the very centre of Akshardhām.
  1. Aksharbrahma is the ‘key’ to unlocking [understanding] the greatness of Purushottam.
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