Vachanamrut Essence


  1. If the seeds of lust and other such vices are not burnt from one’s heart and one attains nirvikalp samādhi, then these vices will cause a disturbance.
  2. If one has an understanding like that of King Janak:
  1. He remains unaffected and undisturbed even on the path of pravrutti.
  2. He can discern that which this is true and that which is false.
  3. He understands all worldly forms are full of terrible miseries.
  4. He realises himself to be the ātmā.
  5. The seeds of lust, anger, etc., in his heart will be destroyed.
  6. He is great amongst all, whether he is a renunciant or a householder.
  7. Even he should under no circumstances associate with any type of evil influence.
Prakaran Gadhada I (78) Sarangpur (18) Kariyani (12) Loya (18) Panchala (7) Gadhada II (67) Vartal (20) Amdavad (3) Gadhada III (39) Bhugol-Khagol Additional (11) Additional Info Vachanamrut Study People in the Vachanamrut Vachanamrut Introduction Vachanamrut Principles Vachanamrut Preface Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s Blessings Vachanamrut Calendar Paratharo 4: Auspicious Marks Paratharo 5: Daily Routine Appendices