Vachanamrut Essence

Gadhadā III-6

  1. One who wants to please God:
  1. Should not offer bhakti to please others [displaying it to others] or out of jealousy of someone.
  2. Should offer bhakti only for the sake of one’s liberation.
  1. To blame the indriyas and antahkaran when one commits a mistake while offering bhakti is the foolishness of the jiva.
  2. The jiva and the mind are mutual friends, because the mind never entertains thoughts of things that the jiva does not like.
  3. One should develop intense hatred for adharma arising from one’s mind or by some other person, so one’s mind or the other person will not attempt to persuade him again.
  4. If a devotee offers bhakti to God with this understanding, the evil influence of some non-believer or his own mind will not be able to affect him.
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