Vachanamrut Essence

Gadhadā III-22

  1. One who has bhakti characterised with profound love:
  1. Their attachment to panchvishays will diminish.
  2. They maintain ātmā-realisation without trying.
  1. A devotee who has affection for wealth, women, etc., but not for God:
  1. He is not a staunch devotee of God.
  2. This sin becomes ingrained.
  1. To malign God and His Bhakta:
  1. Is the gravest of all sins.
  2. There is no release from this sin.
  3. God becomes displeased by this sin and is hurt.
  4. He falls from his eminent position.
  1. If one maligns a devotee of God knowingly or unknowingly:
  1. One should look at one’s own faults and look at the virtues of God’s devotees.
  2. One should bow to that person’s feet, pray to him, and act in a manner that pleases him.
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