Vachanamrut Essence

Gadhadā III-28

  1. One falls from the bhakti of God by two types of understandings:
  1. By understanding God’s forms to be false from listening to scriptures by shushka-Vedāntis.
  2. By offering bhakti to God believing that one will enjoy pleasures of the panchvishays in God’s abode.
  1. By maintaining this type of understanding, the jiva does not fall from bhakti:
  1. By understanding that God is all-blissful, whereas the pleasures derived from the panchvishays have only a slight fraction of the bliss of God.
  2. By understanding that compared to the bliss of the abode of God, the pleasures of the other realms are like narak.
  1. If one establishes conviction of God and the Sant without eradicating their deficiencies, then one may fall back from Satsang.
  2. One who has realised the immense greatness of God:
  1. Will not harbour egotism, jealousy, and anger.
  2. Behaves as a servant of servants.
  3. No matter how much he is insulted, he cannot abandon the company of God and the Sant.
  1. If a devotee of God was placed on a shuli due to some karma of his, and if Shriji Mahārāj was standing next to him; yet if the devotee does not wish to be relieved of that misery, but instead bears the hardships, then God becomes extremely pleased with him.
  2. Only a person who does not believe the panchvishays to be his lifeline experiences God’s bliss; only he is able to indulge in it; and only he attains it.
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