Vachanamrut Essence

Gadhadā I-39

  1. There are two states of those who become muktas by worshipping God:
  1. Those who have attained the savikalp state: They see jivas, ishwars, māyā, and their supporter, Brahma, as being distinct from each other.
  2. Those who have attained the nirvikalp state: They see jivas, ishwars and māyā as being one with Brahma - but they do not see them as distinct entities.
  1. One with an incorrect understanding:
  1. Even though he has not attained the nirvikalp state, he believes he has attained such a state.
  2. Claims that the guru, the disciple, jivas, ishwars, māyā, the world, the Vedas, the Purāns, the Shāstras are all imaginary.
  3. Is extremely foolish and will be consigned to narak.
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