Vachanamrut Essence

Gadhadā I-51

  1. God transcends all, is the all-doer, and the cause of all.
  2. Just as a diamond can be cut only by a diamond; similarly, one understands the greatness of the manifest God from the profound association with the Sant; and then all of his māyik indriyas and antahkarans become amāyik [divine], and one develops conviction of God.
Prakaran Gadhada I (78) Sarangpur (18) Kariyani (12) Loya (18) Panchala (7) Gadhada II (67) Vartal (20) Amdavad (3) Gadhada III (39) Bhugol-Khagol Additional (11) Additional Info Vachanamrut Study People in the Vachanamrut Vachanamrut Introduction Vachanamrut Principles Vachanamrut Preface Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s Blessings Vachanamrut Calendar Paratharo 4: Auspicious Marks Paratharo 5: Daily Routine Appendices