Vachanamrut Essence

Gadhadā I-60

  1. When one naturally perceives pleasant and unpleasant vishays to be the same, then it should be knows his worldly desires have been overcome.
  2. Importance of overcoming worldly desires:
  1. Overcoming worldly desires is the greatest spiritual endeavour.
  2. Overcoming worldly desires is the dharma of one who is ekāntik.
  3. Even if a slight worldly desire remains, it will draw him out of samādhi.
  1. Means to overcome worldly desires:
  1. Antardrashti: how much worldly desires do I have and how much affection do I have for God?
  2. Strengthen the realisation that one’s self is the ātmā.
  3. Realise the insignificance of the panchvishays.
  4. Understand the greatness of God.
  5. Reflect on the bliss of God.
  6. Ekāntik dharma can only be attained by following the commands of a Purush who is free of worldly desires; it cannot be attained merely by reading books.
  1. One’s experience after overcoming worldly desires:
  1. I have always been free of worldly desires.
  2. I never had any desires; whatever it may have seemed was some kind of illusion.
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