Vachanamrut Essence


  1. The benefits gained from the scriptures:
  1. One develops faith in God [nishchay] because the characteristics of God and the Sant are described within.
  2. They are the inspiration behind the activities of dharma.
  1. One who trusts the words of the scriptures:
  1. Develops and unshakeable faith in God.
  2. Never turns away from God.
  3. Attains liberation.
  4. Never deviates from dharma.
  1. One who does not have faith in the words of the scriptures:
  1. Loses his faith in God.
  2. Should be knows as obstinate and a nāstik.
Prakaran Gadhada I (78) Sarangpur (18) Kariyani (12) Loya (18) Panchala (7) Gadhada II (67) Vartal (20) Amdavad (3) Gadhada III (39) Bhugol-Khagol Additional (11) Additional Info Vachanamrut Study People in the Vachanamrut Vachanamrut Introduction Vachanamrut Principles Vachanamrut Preface Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s Blessings Vachanamrut Calendar Paratharo 4: Auspicious Marks Paratharo 5: Daily Routine Appendices