Vachanamrut Essence


  1. God is extremely powerful:
  1. Without His wish, no one falls from His abode after having attained it.
  2. By His will, that which is jad [non-living, inanimate] can become chaitanya [possessing consciousness], and that which is chaitanya can become jad.
  1. Those who have become enlightened through vairāgya, ātmā-realisation, and bhakti towards God never fall from God’s abode.
  2. Laziness and infatuation:
  1. Those who discard these two transgresses māyā.
  2. If one does not discard these two and behaves carelessly, then these will not fail to hinder a devotee.
  3. If a devotee remains vigilant, then he can eradicate both these; whereas, a non-believer cannot eradicate these.
  1. The sthul body and the sukshma body:
  1. Both are interwoven with each other.
  2. For one who possesses the knowledge of the ātmā, he is not affected by the karmas of the sthul and sukshma bodies; therefore, when he discards his body, God grants him a divine body with which he resides in the abode of God.
  3. A person who identifies his self with the body is affected by all karmas related to the sthul and sukshma bodies, and he suffers the torments of Yampuri.
Prakaran Gadhada I (78) Sarangpur (18) Kariyani (12) Loya (18) Panchala (7) Gadhada II (67) Vartal (20) Amdavad (3) Gadhada III (39) Bhugol-Khagol Additional (11) Additional Info Vachanamrut Study People in the Vachanamrut Vachanamrut Introduction Vachanamrut Principles Vachanamrut Preface Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s Blessings Vachanamrut Calendar Paratharo 4: Auspicious Marks Paratharo 5: Daily Routine Appendices