Vachanamrut Essence


  1. If a person with shraddhā develops shraddhā in the words of a true Sant, then:
  1. Redemptive virtues of swadharma, vairāgya, gnān, bhakti, wisdom, etc., would develop in his heart.
  2. Vicious natures of lust, anger, etc., would be burnt away.
  1. Reason for developing vicious natures such as lust, anger, etc.:
  1. If a person who has virtues of swadharma, vairāgya, etc., firmly rooted in his heart and who has not even the slightest desire for the pleasures of this world were to meet with evil company, then waters in the form of evil company would sweep across his heart and leave behind silt in the form of worldly talks, etc. Subsequently, the seeds of lust, anger, avarice, infatuation, arrogance, matsar, etc., which are dormant in the silt, would grow into large trees.
  2. Youthful age.
  3. If one perceives faults in a great Purush, then all those faults dwells in his own heart.
  1. Means to eradicate one’s swabhāvs:
  1. Association of a Sant with shraddhā.
  2. Endeavouring to eradicate them with understanding and thoughtfulness.
  3. Keeping an account of swabhāvs like a merchant – has my vicious swabhāvs increased or decreased since entering the Satsang fellowship?
  4. Bearing an aversion to one’s swabhāvs, then by the grace of God, they are eradicated.
  5. Understands a great Purush to be nirdosh and imbibing His virtues.
Prakaran Gadhada I (78) Sarangpur (18) Kariyani (12) Loya (18) Panchala (7) Gadhada II (67) Vartal (20) Amdavad (3) Gadhada III (39) Bhugol-Khagol Additional (11) Additional Info Vachanamrut Study People in the Vachanamrut Vachanamrut Introduction Vachanamrut Principles Vachanamrut Preface Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s Blessings Vachanamrut Calendar Paratharo 4: Auspicious Marks Paratharo 5: Daily Routine Appendices