Vachanamrut Essence


  1. When the conviction of God develops in the buddhi, one should realise conviction has developed in the jiva also.
  2. The powers of the jiva: it is extremely subtle, yet it illuminates the body, indriyas, and the antahkaran at once.
  3. Three types of conviction:
  1. Conviction in the indriyas: No doubts arise when God engages in appropriate or inappropriate actions.
  2. Conviction in the antahkaran: No doubts arise when God exhibits laziness, sleepiness (tamogun); lust, anger, etc. (rajogun); tranquillity, self-restraint, etc. (sattvagun).
  3. Conviction in the jiva: No doubts arise when God behaves eccentrically and shows His gunātit state.
  1. How can the māyik indriyas and antahkaran perceive God who is beyond the mind and speech?
  1. Just as a bee captures a worm, stings it and then buzzes over it, and as a result, that worm is transformed into a bee; similarly, a jiva’s indriyas and antahkaran become divine by the profound association of the Sant, and the jiva is able to perceive the manifest form of God.
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