॥ શ્રી સ્વામિનારાયણો વિજયતે ॥
ભગવાન સ્વામિનારાયણનાં
॥ વચનામૃત ॥
Gadhada II-67: The Gangājaliyo Well
- A devotee of God who has acquired the qualities of God understands:
- God has granted me just as many divine powers and as much charm as I had realised in Him. Yet, God’s divine powers and charm appear to be totally limitless.
- Like me, countless others have also attained qualities similar to that of God, yet, His greatness does not diminish.
- No one is capable of becoming like God.
- Even when a devotee of God becomes brahmarup, he behaves as God’s servant and engages in His worship.
- Shesh, Shāradā, Brahmā, other deities, four Vedas, and God Himself cannot fathom the vastness of God’s greatness or His countless redemptive virtues.