કીર્તન મુક્તાવલી
(1) Man tune samjāvvā sāru kahyu me vāramvār re
Man tune samjāvvā sāru, kahyu me vāramvār re;
Te to gamtu na tajīyu tārū, gaī shikhāmaṇ gamār re... 1
(1) Oh, mind! I have repeatedly tried to make you understand. But, fool! You did not give up what you like (your ways) and my advice was wasted.
Je je vāt karī tuj sāthe, te to te rati na rākhī re;
Khoṭya āvvā na dīdhī māthe, laī bījā par nākhī re... 2
(2) You did not accept even slightly any of the talk I had with you. You did not allow any faults to apply to yourself. Instead, you placed the blame on others.
Kaho khoṭy ṭaḷe kem tārī, nij doshne na dekhe re;
Ethī bhul bījī kaī bhārī, sahuthī saras āp lekhe re... 3
(3) Tell me, how will your flaws be destroyed when you do not even look at your faults? What greater mistake can you make than believing yourself to be the best?
Kahenārāne kahevā na rahyu, te na dharyu jyāre kān re;
Nishkuḷānand kahe tune shīyu, tāre to bīju chhe tān re... 4
(4) Those who may give you advice have nothing left to say for you will not even listen to them. Nishkulanand Swami says what more is left to say as your intentions lie away from God.