Online Gujarati Phonetic Keyboard - Better than Transliteration
Gujarati Phonetic Keyboard is now online! Better than any transliteration tool; you can type Gujarati naturally like you write it. Test it here before you install it in Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux. No need to install Gujarati language support or the offline Gujarati Phonetic keyboard layout. You only need the Gujarati Unicode font installed.
To use the Delete key, Tab key, arrow keys, other non-character keys, or to type English, check the English radio button below.
To type English mixed with Gujarati, click on the English radio icon.
In this Online Gujarati Phonetic Keyboard, the Ctrl+Alt combination keys will not work because they are disabled by the browser or are used as shortcuts.
You can toggle the display of the virtual keyboard by clicking on the keyboard icon below. You can also use your physical keyboard to type Gujarati.
To use the Ctrl+Alt keys, click on ‘Ctrl+Alt Keys’ below, then click on the key you need to type.
Use the keyboard maps below to learn the Gujarati character keys.
Consonants: simply type the phonetic equivalent. For example, ક = k, પ = p, સ = s, શ = S, etc. See the keyboard maps below for complete phonetic equivalents.
Conjuncts: type virama in between (without spaces in between) consonants. For example, પ ્ ત = પ્ત, શ ્ ર = શ્ર, હ ્ મ = હ્મ, ત ્ મ ્ ય = ત્મ્ય, etc.
Vowel signs: type vowel signs after the consonant or conjunct. For example, પ ી = પી, પ િ = પિ, ક ્ ત િ = ક્તિ, બ ્ દ ો = બ્દો.
Conjucts with R: always type consonants in order of pronunciation. For example, અર્પણ = અ ર ્ પ ણ. Although ર ્ is typed before પ (since ર is pronounced before પ), the reph for 'ર' will be placed above પ automatically. Similarly, પ ્ ર મ ુ ખ = પ્રમુખ.
Anusvara (ં): Anusvara is always typed after vowel signs, if any. Otherwise, it is type after the consonant. For example, પ ર મ હ ં સ = પરમહંસ, બ ્ ર હ ્ મ ા ં ડ = બ્રહ્માંડ, અ ર ્ પ ્ ય ુ ં = અર્પ્યું.
You can type Gujarati by using the virtual keyboard below or by using your keyboard. Don't see the Gujarati characters on the virtual keyboard on your screen? You may not have the Gujarati Unicode font installed. Learn how here: Install Gujarati/Hindi Language Support in Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X.